
Moving Office: 3 things you don’t know

Moving office is an exciting, but also daunting, experience. For most companies, it is a time of positive change

Making Moves

The Move Maker 2021: Issue 1

Check out the latest version of The Move Maker. Our quarterly roundup of industry news, hot topics and lifestyle

Making Moves

Meet Dan: National Apprenticeship Week 2021

With it being National Apprenticeship Week, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to our

Making Moves

5 BIG changes required by landlords to attract companies back to the office in 2021

An office will no longer be an essential part of working life. Instead, the office will form part of


The Move Maker: issue 4

Check out the latest version of The Move Maker. Our quarterly roundup of industry news, hot topics and lifestyle

Making Moves

Your office is your most valuable employee

As we’re all trying to catch a glimpse of the new normal, have you thought about how your employees

Making Moves

10 Easy Tips to Create a Sustainable Office

During lockdown it was hard not to notice the environmental impacts of our departure from the streets. Deer grazing

Making Moves

Unsure what to do with your office space? Take our quiz!

With so many options around, and little certainty on what is actually going on, it can be confusing knowing

Making Moves

Office Disposal, Subletting and Re-design: How to Reduce Your Space

Making Moves Exit Has Arrived! Considering an office disposal? Need to sublet and re-occupy later? Not sure how to

Making Moves

Our Post-Covid Back to Work Strategy

Whilst details around Covid-19 are still up in the air, it’s natural to start thinking about getting back to
