Making Moves

A Start Up’s Guide to Moving Office

Take a first look at our newly published guide for StartUps moving office, compiled to help StartUps who are

By Making Moves London

Take a first look at our newly published guide for StartUps moving office, compiled to help StartUps who are looking to Make their Move.  


As a StartUp business ourselves, we continue to specialise in supporting and advising StartUps throughout the process of moving office. We understand wholeheartedly the importance of ‘getting it right’ the first time.

Moving office can be a stressful and strenuous process, particularly when growth plans are somewhat unknown, and budget is a major concern.

StartUp businesses often get hit the hardest, partly due to inexperience if moving office for the first time, but also because they often fall into the trap of signing up to lengthy leases in under the impression this works out as the “best-value for money” option.

Of course, in some instances this may be true. However, if your business is tied into a five-year lease this will lead into complications if you grow faster or slower than you expected. This may lead you to consider taking “over-flow” space later down the line which can be totally detrimental for company culture if splitting the business in two, creating an “us and them” environment.

On the other hand, if you take too much space, this may heavily impact on profits, which is not an ideal place to be either.

At Making Moves, we understand that flexibility is key when moving office as a StartUp. We also understand that there is quite a lot to learn and consider during the process, especially if it is your first time going through it.

We aim to educate and advise our clients, so that they become well-informed and confident throughout the process.

This approach led us to the creation of our new StartUp Guide for moving offices. We interview fellow StartUp Toucan Box on what they learnt or wish they had known throughout the process of finding a new office. We also cover important FAQs such as How To Find The Right Advisor and How Much Space Do I Really Need?

We hope that it will be a great tool and starting point for StartUps looking to move office.