We have in place a CHP, which meets the regulatory requirements. Our CHP has two stages. Stage one of the CHP gives our firm the opportunity to review and consider your complaint in full. Our firm will try to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. If you are not happy with our response, you will have the opportunity to take your complaint to stage two. Stage two gives you, the client, the opportunity to have your complaint reviewed and considered by an independent redress provider, approved by the RICS.

Details on how to make a complaint to Making Moves London are outlined below. If you choose to contact us by phone please have the details of your complaint available. If you are contacting us on behalf of another person, we may ask you to provide proof of that person’s consent to your handling their complaint.

If you have initially made your complaint verbally – whether face-to-face or over the phone please also make it in writing addressed to Tobi Crosbie below. This is to ensure that we fully understand exactly what your complaint is and have written record of it.

Stage One

If you have spoken to us about your complaint, please put the details of your complaint in writing. We ask that you put your complaint in writing to make sure that we have a full understanding of the reasons for your complaint. Please send your written complaint to:

Tobi Crosbie (CEO & Founder)
8 Devonshire Square, London, EC2mM 4YJ

Note: should your complaint be against the above-named person, please contact another Director at Making Moves London on 02035953121.

We will consider your complaint as quickly as possible and will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 7 days at this point we will inform you of our understanding of the circumstances leading up to your complaint. You are invited to add additional comments at this stage. We will update you with the outcome of our investigations and advise of any actions that have or will be taken. If we are not able to give you a full response, we will update you within 28 days of receipt of your complaint.

Stage Two

We aim to resolve all complaints using the above procedure. However, if we are unable to agree on how to resolve your complaint then you have the opportunity to take your complaint to an independent redress provider, as approved by the RICS Regulatory Board. We have chosen to use the following redress providers:

For consumer purposes

Ombudsman Services: Property, PO Box 1021, Warrington WA4 9FE (telephone 0330 4401634 or 01925 530270).

or for commercial purposes

RICS Dispute Resolution Service, Surveyor Court, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JE (telephone 0207 334 3806).