
14 office workspace trends for 2024

From taking sustainability and wellbeing seriously, to AI and biophilic design, these are the trends in workspaces for 2024 you need to know about.

By Making Moves London

2nd Floor, Blackfriars Road, Southwark, SE1

Office connoisseurs as we are, we’ve seen a few key trends emerging in the world of office spaces leading up to 2024. From office designs to the average length of leases – workplaces have gone through quite a shift this year.

So with the help of our expert agents, as well as our trusty crystal ball, we’ve put together our picks for the top workplace trends to expect in 2024. Keep reading to find out how to stay ahead!

Quality over quantity

With the return to office spaces still on many workplaces’ minds, the focus has moved away from presenteeism, a so-called ‘bums-on-seats’ approach of spending time in the office ‘just because’. More recently, office days are expected to be packed full of forming meaningful connections with colleagues and clients, so creating more enjoyable, collaborative spaces for staff to enjoy their time in the office is key.

This means that we will continue to see more spaces that have been designed with the workforce in mind – whether this is through the implementation of market-leading facilities and amenities, like high-quality videoconferencing for remote collaboration, or just plush comfort. This workplace trend is all about ensuring that your office is a space that employees want to be in, rather than one they have to be in.

Greater flexibility of spaces

Remote and hybrid working policies are clearly here to stay, so businesses must reconsider just how much space they actually need when searching for a new office space. To help with periods when the office isn’t at full capacity, design spaces that allow for flexible use. Consider movable partitions, temporary walls, hotdesking, and office layouts which facilitate future changes.

Working out the right office size can become more difficult when you have a hybrid model of working – but luckily for you, we’ve already got a whole guide on choosing the right office space for your business. If you need further help, one of our expert agents would be more than happy to assist you with the calculations so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Ongoing evolution of hybrid working policies

While we’ve already touched on the instability of hybrid working in the workplace, it seems like these policies are still a moving goalpost for many companies – with many shifting to 2, 3 or 4 days in the office rather than 5.

This means that we will likely see an ongoing evolution of how workplaces are used, with an emphasis on understanding how office time is spent. Having this information can help businesses tailor their workplaces to enhance the productivity of their teams.

A focus on employee wellbeing

Employee wellbeing continues to be a hot topic, so expect to see offices of 2024 built with this in mind. Healthier workspaces could take the form of those designed ergonomically, as well as those with a stronger emphasis on biophilic design (ie. bringing the outside in) and accentuating natural light. All of which have been found to have positive benefits for workers.

Mental health will become a growing consideration – think dedicated spaces for meditation and places to genuinely relax (not just ‘the staff canteen’), health and wellbeing centres like gyms and yoga spaces built into offices, and other amenities to make employees feel better about coming into the workplace.

This will likely extend to amenities like snacks and drinks – with cake, pizza and chocolate biscuits losing favour, while fruit, vegetable-infused smoothies, and other more health-conscious choices will find their home within the workplace kitchen.

Accessibility options continue to improve

The ongoing commitment to enhancing accessibility in the workplace will persist as a significant focal point in 2024. Businesses will continue improving accessibility through consideration for the ease of access to rooms, stairs and seating.

Accessibility concerns will also extend beyond mere physical accommodations and instead consider both visible and hidden disabilities. Designing spaces to accommodate neurodivergent employees, such as those suffering from ADHD or autism, will be a bigger priority for businesses. As a result, we will see more spaces that are conducive to fostering the wellbeing of staff members as well as their productivity.

This workplace trend is all about creating an inclusive environment that caters to the diverse needs of every individual, ensuring that the workplace is welcoming and supportive of all employees, irrespective of their abilities or challenges.

A greater sustainability consideration

Sustainability as a trend shows no sign of slowing down, and in 2024 this won’t be much different. Advances in material design mean that new fit-outs or refurbishments will be able to make use of materials like bamboo, cork, and reclaimed materials for larger sections of construction, making building designs more sustainable. BREEAM, LEED, and GBI certifications will become more sought after, placing more emphasis on environmentally conscious building practices, energy efficiency and overall eco-friendly design initiatives.

‘Should I stay or should I go’ will become an increasingly common question mulled over by business owners, as refurbishments and renovations are favoured over new builds – with sustainability and the (built) environment a key consideration as brands look to take their green credentials more seriously in 2024. Read our posts on ‘saving energy at work’ and ‘ideas to make your office more eco-friendly’ for more ideas on improving the sustainability of your office space.

AI continues to be a hot topic

While you may have heard about how artificial intelligence could change the ways that you work, you might not yet have considered the impact that it could have on the place that you work in. In 2024, the integration of AI within office environments will rapidly reshape workplaces – revolutionising various aspects of office design and functionality.

From intelligent lighting and climate control systems that adjust automatically based on the number of staff in the office to the adoption of digital concierge or receptionist services – AI will optimise workplace dynamics. Moreover, crowdflow management and machine learning algorithms will be harnessed to analyse room usage patterns, facilitating smarter space utilisation and improving the operational efficiency of the space.

Even global businesses go local

There is a growing trend for businesses, regardless of scale, to embrace a ‘do their bit’ mentality by pivoting away from centralised procurement services and towards smaller, more local suppliers where possible. This includes switching up your coffee suppliers, as well as where you source your office supplies and even your technology.

In 2024, it will no longer be enough for a business to have their own sustainability values and practices – they will also begin doctoring their suppliers, to ensure that they are not indirectly inflating their own carbon footprints.


Collaborative working spaces are key

Offices have already come a long way since the days of cubicles and private office spaces, with businesses of today favouring more modern open-plan layouts. This is another workplace trend set to continue into 2024, with a much greater emphasis on creating spaces that encourage collaboration between colleagues.

Collaborative workspaces often have smaller, more informal meeting spaces, and breakout areas and often opt for hotdesking. Expect to see more innovative and engaging spaces designed for meetings and freeform collaboration areas to encourage communal working in the office.

Biophilic design becomes even more widespread

Biophilic design is a design philosophy that encourages the incorporation of plants and greenery into a built space – essentially, bringing the outside in. While most office spaces already have the obligatory plant in each corner of the room, 2024 will see workspaces get even greener. Think living walls, desk plants and taking better advantage of natural lighting.

Not only do plants make offices nicer to look at, they are also hugely beneficial for the health and well-being of workers, with positive effects such as reducing stress levels, preventing sickness, and even helping to reduce noise levels within office spaces. With more emphasis on improving the mental wellbeing of employees, it’s only natural that we’ll be seeing a lot more nature in the workplace in 2024.

Workspaces encourage movements

We all know how bad sitting still for extended periods of time is, for both our physical and mental health, so workspaces in 2024 will be designed to encourage movement. Whether it’s promoting stairs over elevators, or spacing out meeting rooms so that staff can ‘get their steps in’ over the course of the day, workspaces will move towards more disparate spaces.

As people become more health conscious, 2024 will see more office workers actually using their standing desks, opting for exercise during their lunch breaks and going for more walking meetings with colleagues and clients.

The office becomes more experiential

In 2024, the office will become more of a destination than just a place of work. As we are seeing more and more areas of retail, entertainment and even education become more experiential, so too will our workplaces.

With more people choosing to work from home, the office space is having to fight harder to become a better alternative – and one key way they will do this is by offering amenities and luxuries that workers aren’t likely to receive at home. So-called ‘work perks’ like free breakfasts, gym facilities and even in-office massages will help bring staff back through the office doors in 2024. This will not only improve the wellbeing and satisfaction of employees, it will also make companies a more desirable choice for new staff.

Commuter spaces grow in popularity

We are seeing a shift in workers relocating out of expensive, large cities and into more rural commuter towns – a trend kickstarted by the pandemic and only set to continue in 2024. As a result, more people will be looking for workplaces that are more local to them, or well connected via commuter transportation like train stations.

Whilst offices with prestigious postcodes are favourable to businesses, we are expecting to see workplaces positioned closer to residential areas become more popular – as people begin valuing their time and money more than ever.

Well there you have it, all our predictions for the upcoming office space trends of 2024. From AI to accessibility and wellbeing – 2024 is all about optimising our places of work to be as inclusive, collaborative and efficient as possible.

If you’re considering relocating in 2024 and want help with anything from your office search, to the office fit out, don’t hesitate to get in touch today!